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Mexico Travel:Mexico City and Teotihuacan

Updated: Jul 5, 2023

"From Ancient Ruins to Tropical Shores: My Epic Mexico Journey Pt1"

In April 2018, armed with my Filipino passport and a newly acquired US visa, I embarked on a solo adventure that would ignite my senses and leave an indelible mark on my soul. Join me as I recount the exhilarating moments and profound discoveries that unfolded during my exploration of Mexico.

Setting Foot on Mexican Soil

As a Filipino passport holder, obtaining a US visa was a crucial step in fulfilling my dream of traversing the American continent. With the necessary documents in hand, I found myself standing at the threshold of a new chapter in my travel story. Emotions swirled within me—excitement, anticipation, and a touch of fear. But my eagerness to embark on this once-in-a-lifetime journey eclipsed any trepidation I felt.

My expedition commenced from the picturesque Caribbean, where azure waters and swaying palms bid me farewell. Touching down in Miami a night stay.

The following day, brimming with excitement, I boarded a flight that would carry me to the heart of Mexico. As the aircraft soared above the clouds, my anticipation grew. I yearned to experience the rich tapestry of Mexico's landscapes, flavors, and traditions.

With a gentle touchdown, I found myself standing on Mexican soil—an exhilarating moment that marked the beginning of my Mexican odyssey. The warm embrace of the sun welcomed me, and the tantalizing aromas of Mexican cuisine filled the air, arousing my senses and igniting a hunger for exploration.

Mexico city tour with a local guide

For my Mexico day trip, I had booked a hotel in the vibrant center of the colonial zone. Eager to uncover the city's historical treasures, I had also prearranged a full-day city tour through Viator. Joining a small group, consisting of a knowledgeable local guide and two fellow travelers, we embarked on a captivating journey through the colonial zone.

Our day began with a leisurely stroll through the cobblestone streets, where classical buildings and rich history intertwined. Our guide skillfully shared the fascinating tales of Mexico's past, transporting us back in time. As we marveled at the well-preserved facades and intricate details, I found myself captivated by the beauty of classical architecture.

Among the numerous landmarks we encountered, the Mexico Capitol stole my heart. Its majestic presence and stunning classical architecture left me in awe. In front of this magnificent structure, I beheld the sight of the largest flag I had ever seen, billowing proudly in the wind. It was an awe-inspiring moment that evoked a deep sense of national pride.

With the captivating scene before me, I couldn't resist capturing photographs of the Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral(the largerst in the americas and combines renaissance , baroque and neoclassical style)on the city's main public square (the zocallo) and the surrounding buildings,(which are government administrative building)with their architectural splendor forming a breathtaking backdrop. Each click of the camera served as a tribute to the astonishing beauty that surrounded us.

Another remarkable highlight of the day was our visit to the Palacio de Bellas Artes. As an architect, this iconic landmark left a profound mark on me. Its grandeur and exquisite blend of Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles showcased Mexico's dedication to artistic expression.

As the day progressed, our exploration took us to different parts of the city, where the landscape shifted to embrace modernization. From towering skyscrapers to bustling streets, I witnessed the dynamic and evolving nature of Mexico City. It was a testament to the country's ability to harmoniously blend tradition and progress.

As the sun began to set, I reflected on the incredible experiences of the day. The colonial zone had offered a captivating glimpse into Mexico's rich history and architectural wonders. From the classical beauty of the Mexico Capitol to the artistic legacy of the Palacio de Bellas Artes, each moment had left an indelible impression on me.

Exploring Teotihuacan - Unveiling Ancient Mysteries

The next day my Mexican adventure took me to the awe-inspiring ancient city of Teotihuacan. Accompanied by a sense of wonder, I embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries of this remarkable archaeological site, eager to delve into the secrets of its past.

As I arrived at Teotihuacan, the sight of the towering pyramids against the vast desert landscape took my breath away. It was as if I had been transported back in time, standing amidst the remnants of a once-great civilization.

Joined by a knowledgeable guide, I embarked on an exploration of this enigmatic city, where every stone whispered tales of a bygone era. With each step, I could feel the palpable energy that emanated from the ancient structures, and I couldn't help but be captivated by the rich history that lay before me.

Our first stop was the Pyramid of the Sun, a colossal structure that stood as a testament to the engineering prowess of the Teotihuacan people. Climbing its steep steps, I marveled at the panoramic views that unfolded before me. From the summit, I gazed upon the sprawling complex of Teotihuacan, the Avenue of the Dead stretching out below like a path to the past.

Next, we ventured to the Pyramid of the Moon, its elegant silhouette rising against the clear blue sky. As I stood at its base, I couldn't help but imagine the rituals and ceremonies that once took place in its shadow. The air was charged with a sense of reverence, as if the spirits of the past were still present.

Throughout our exploration, our guide shared insights into the ancient Teotihuacan culture. I learned about their intricate urban planning, sophisticated architectural techniques, and spiritual beliefs. The Avenue of the Dead, lined with smaller pyramids and residential complexes, offered glimpses into the daily life of the Teotihuacan people, while intricate murals adorned the walls, revealing stories of gods, warriors, and celestial phenomena.

As the day drew to a close, a cool breeze reminded me of the chilly weather during my visit. However, the cold couldn't diminish the sense of awe that enveloped me. Teotihuacan had allowed me to step into the footsteps of a civilization long gone, catching a glimpse of their remarkable achievements and paying homage to their enduring legacy.

As I left Teotihuacan, I carried with me a profound appreciation for the ancient ways and the wisdom of those who came before us. The architectural brilliance and spiritual connection to the cosmos left an indelible mark on my journey. As an architect, I found myself relating to the intricate design and engineering feats of the past, drawing inspiration from the lessons learned at Teotihuacan during my studies.

My journey continues to the vibrant city of Cancun and the enchanting Yucatan Peninsula. Excitement fills the air as I embark on an adventure to witness one of the Seven Wonders of the World, a testament to human ingenuity and the power of architectural marvels.


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I'm Archsael, i am an architect and a passionate traveler who finds joy in exploring the world's wonders. This site is a tapestry of my adventures, offering unique insights and inspirations from my journeys.


I'm excited to share these experiences with you, providing guidance and inspiration for your future travels.


Join me in exploring the globe's beauty, one journey at a time."






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